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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Paul Ryan does not like Canada's health care system. And he's RIGHT!

 Sun News is fussing about Ryan's 2009 speech in witch he described Canada's health care system as ''archaic and obsolete''. You know what? I FULLY AGREE WITH HIM!

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan
 Has the Obama administration explained to Americans the facts about Canada's model of government health care? Is this the kind of national health service the U.S. should imitate?--Paul Ryan in the American Spectator--

Before you get your undies in a bunch, hear me out:

I know all too well the woes of our system. My wife has a chronic illness, Crohn's disease. We visited MANY hospitals over the years, usually thru the ER when she has a bad relapse. The average waiting time in Quebec's ERs is 14 hours. I say we waited more than 24 hours more than once. The system being free, the hospitals are crowded by people with various situations from open fractures to a bump on the noggin. While we wait we see a slew of people with colds and the flu, waiting, and spreading their disease with everyone who have LEGITIMATE REASONS to be in the EMERGENCY rooms. ( let me point out that I strongly believe that you have NO BUSINESS in the ER with a cold. Unless you are immuno-suppressed, take 2 Tylenols and drink plenty of fluids. Seriously.)

Doctors here had it too good for too many years. They want to decide WHERE and WHEN they will work, causing a scheduling NIGHTMARE for the planners trying to dispatch health services with limited ressources. The source of the problem is that while being formed by the province, the doctors are independent workers. That directly affects the government's attempts to provide quality healthcare in far regions. Basically, we pay for their studies and training, but they get to decide where they are going to practice, and on what schedule.

What I am gonna say here may sound Communist, but I think healthcare is not like the private sector: We could solve a LOT of problems by taking away the doctors we form at a VERY HIGH PRICE's independent worker status and turn them into government employees. That way, the dispatching is very easy: You go where we tell you, at the time we tell you, and if you don't like it, we take away your license, and you can let another country form you and pay for you.

Those of you who know me know that I'm for smaller government, and this may sound like I'm proning BIG government. I'm not. But health care has to work. It has to work for the people who pay taxes so future doctors can get a cheaper tuition. Healthcare in Canada is NOT free enterprise. It cannot be. 99% of our hospitals are government-built, meaning we as a people pay for them. Why would I pay again to go to the private sector?

I like Paul Ryan. He's young blood among the old wolves. And I think he's ABSOLUTELY RIGHT in his analysis of the Canadian health care.

The Impolite Canadian



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