The most obvious repeat has been Anthony Weiner once again being caught with his Pixels down
New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner confirmed the authenticity of new lewd, sexually charged online chats and photos that were posted by a nightlife website over the past day.
Nightlife site "The Dirty" posted images and conversations that allegedly came from Weiner to a 22-year-old woman under the pseudonym "Carlos Danger."
Anthony Weiner totty quest 2013 however hasn’t pulled him from the mayor’s race
With his wife by his side, Anthony Weiner said Tuesday he's not dropping out of the New York City mayoral race despite new revelations that he sent additional lewd photos and text messages after he left Congress in disgrace for his prior online chats.I think this and his wife’s decision to not only stick with him but to do it in a very public way designed to have the maximum impact on the campaign says a lot of very interesting things.
While according to Mika Brizinski everybody loves Huma Abadin and thinks the world of her I find their whole situation fascinating the daughter of a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood female auxiliary marrying a prominent Jew in 2010 as he is at the peak of his power and influence.
I like Romeo & Juliet as much as the next guy but the Capulets and Montagues have nothing on the Muslim Brotherhood and the Jews
He then crashes HARD and what happens next? Not only does he still maintain financial strength. Not only did people remain on the net defending him, but he manages to get sufficient financial backing to launch a campaign for the highest profile Mayoral position in the United States.
People give money to pols and perspective pols because they either expect a return or they have a fanatical belief in the candidate. I’d be really interested in knowing who backed this guy up.
Or to put it another way,. Was Huma protecting her investment in her investment in her marriage & family or was she protecting the investment of the Muslim brotherhood and or the backers of Anthony Wiener?
It’s not a comfortable question but it’s not an unfair one either.
There is also the offer of a position at Politico, we’re talking about repeats, I’d really like to know if Anthony Weiner in particular or more importantly if Liberal Democrats in general have hiring privileges at Politico at even an advisory level.
That is one repeat that would be critical to discover.
A second repeat took place this week in New Hampshire. James O’Keefe of project Veritas spoke at an Event in Nashua. You might remember he had some issues with the NH AG over his sting revealing how easy it is to vote the dead in NH.
Well in his return he laid down the gauntlet:
“I’m going to come to the 2016 presidential primary here in NH. And I’m going to expose the fact that I can be voting the names of dead people AGAIN.“
Here is the video:
Breitbart said “Bring it on” O’Keefe does the same
A third repeat took place for myself. I guest hosted on Conservatively speaking on WCRN and did two hours there. It was a good time and a good show, it proves you can go home again
I also had the repeat appearance of Mike Hummell the former Hostess baker on my regular show talking the return of Twinkies.
I still think the union should have taken that deal but given particularity the money that was taken from that pension without permission I can’t find it in me to question Mike’s decision or the others to say no. It’s just Going Galt in a different way.
BTW my radio show DaTechGuy on DaRadio now is repeated twice, once at 11 PM EST on Saturday and at 10 AM on Sunday.
A fourth repeat is coming next month. Market Basket choose not to act on the dispute between Arthur T & Arthur S Demoulas on who will run the Market Basket. A new meeting is scheduled for August and the decision is going to come up again. I can’t see the logic of messing with a company that is making a profit, has a happy loyal customer base and a labor force that would crawl over glass to support their current CEO and the company.
Why would you mess with success?
In Rio yet another repeat, the Catholic World youth day has come again and the New Pope has been greeted with adoring overwhelming crowds.
Fr. Longenecker said this about it
Surrounded by throngs of young people I realized that this faith–ever ancient and ever young was suddenly alive to me and true to me as never before.The Mass the pope celebrates in Rio and the creed and prayers celebrated there are repeated in every house of every day . The faith remains new and old forever.
What other institution, what other political party, what other ideology, what other celebrity, what other religion can marshall such crowds and inspire such joy, freedom and power? No wonder the powers of this world hate and fear the pope. No wonder Catholicism is the one religion–despite all its human faults and frailties–that remains at once ancient and wise yet youthful and strong. Only the power of the Holy Spirit himself could pour out on the world this great surge of faith, love and hope.
There was also an explosive device left at the shrine before the Pope arrived some repeats are not good ones
As it is summer TV is full of repeats, although the episodes of the Drama 666 park avenue were new or at least unaired. Because of the cancellation of the show the last episode or two were re-written to give the show closure.
I didn’t like the ending, it seemed contrived but given the circumstances what else could it be, but it is consistent with the possibility of bringing the series back at some future time.
The Big Bang theory is in repeats too, they however are just as funny as the last time around.
There are repeats at the movies too. Red 2 is out and Monsters University as well there is also the story of repeated failure in some box office blockbusters.
People make a fuss about this but there are always summer movies like this that crash and burn big time. It’s not a surprising repeat.
The most important repeat of the week however took place in the House chambers on Thursday when the investigation of the IRS scandal was connected for the first time to the White House.
The IRS scandal was connected this week not just to the Washington office—that had been established—but to the office of the chief counsel.As I watch the White House spin and the media duck this story I’m reminded of the Nixon white House as the train of Watergate chugged along slowly toward it’s finish. Even the impromptu press appearance of the president on Trayvon Martin was yet another repeat, an attempt to change the subject from anything but what is going on.
That is a bombshell—such a big one
Still, what landed was a bombshell. And Democrats know it. Which is why they are so desperate to make the investigation go away. They know, as Republicans do, that the chief counsel of the IRS is one of only two Obama political appointees in the entire agency.And of course Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson’s race baiting and the smallness of their crowds, that’s a repeat too.
Detroit going under, now that’s new
There is one repeat involved however. Detroit got where it did by repeatedly following the liberal economic tax and borrow model for 50 years.
And the repeat will become apparent when other liberal bastions unencumbers by GOP conservative voting blocks follow that same path
This column will repeat in a week. See you then.
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