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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Political Clown Parade: Bob Costas: Imprimatur Of The Macabre

Political Clown Parade: Bob Costas: Imprimatur Of The Macabre: I wasn’t watching the game between the Carolina Panthers and the Kansas City Chiefs so I did not witness the macabre comments proffere...

Reflections on the Romney defeat....

 Inspired by an article found on The Toronto Star.

 The Toronto Star, a newspaper usually far to the left, asks these questions:

America’s Republicans are feeling the sharp sting of rejection in the wake of Mitt Romney’s unsuccessful bid for the presidency. They’ve now failed to win the popular presidential vote in five of the past six elections. That’s beginning to look careless. The backbiting, fault-finding and soul-searching have already begun.
Was Romney the wrong spear-carrier for conservative values? Was the Grand Old Party kneecapped by its Tea Party radicals? Should it water down its small-government, trickle-down economic ideology and get over its obsessions with women’s’ bodies and illegal migrants? Have Republicans somehow failed to recognize that their target voter is no longer a white, Protestant working guy of a certain age? Are they just out of touch?
 Was Romney the wrong spear-carrier for conservative values?

No. Mitt Romney represents the right wing American to a tee. His business success and love for the country's constitution are an inspiration to all the young minds with Republican values. Did he convey the message? You damn right he did.

Was the Grand Old Party kneecapped by its Tea Party radicals?

Maybe. Maybe they were seen as extremists. Their values represent a much deeper, older form of conservatism. But did they cause the fall of Mitt Romney? Absolutely not.

  Should it water down its small-government, trickle-down economic ideology and get over its obsessions with women’s’ bodies and illegal migrants?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Oversized government and illegal immigration are the heart and lungs of the beast destroying America. Illegals commit more crimes in their lifetime than the average born and raised American criminals, and they cost a fortune to cater for in jail, with interprets, special muslim diets, providing for their family on the outside with food stamps and welfare checks, etc etc. That part of the Republican is what appeals to the most people.

 Have Republicans somehow failed to recognize that their target voter is no longer a white, Protestant working guy of a certain age?

YES. And have have thought so for years. Paul Ryan's arrival made me believe that the Republicans finally understood that the gun-toting, red meat-eatin', flag-salutin' right-wingers are no longer the go-to-church-every-Sunday-middle-aged-man-with-1-wife-and-2.6-kids. Was it too little, too late? Again, I have to say yes. But Mitt and Paul ran a VERY HONEST CAMPAIGN, and gave it their all. They stayed true to their beliefs (unlike Obama who flipped-flopped on many issues, surprising even his fan base), right to the bitter end.

 Are they just out of touch?

 Nope. In fact, they connected with people of a new generation, via the social networks, creating a younger, more educated and opinionated fan base, who in return used their Twitter, Facebook, and blogging capacities to promote the candidates,  and to hunt down liberals and Democrats everywhere, challenging their every word and beliefs, in epic proportions. From the single mother working 2 jobs, the small business owner (like myself) who were just INFURIATED by Obama's ''You didn't build this'' crap, to the multinational business operator, the core is now wider and more effective as citizens speak their minds on yesterday's taboo debates: able-bodied persons on welfare, illegal aliens taking jobs away from tax-paying Americans. They shop more wisely, and are not affraid to show their support to businesses who dared to speak of their political views. Chick-Fil-A comes to mind...........People who were the EXACT OPPOSITE of the ''occupy'' crowd.

All in all, yes, we lost this election, but on the long run, things are looking a whole lot better.

Employee fired for heroic act -- The Informed Conservative

 Many wonder how they might react in the face of crisis but few are able to prove their courage under fire as effectively as one AutoZone employee recently did when just before closing, an armed robber burst into the retailer and forced the worker — a U.S. Air Force veteran — into a back office with his manager.
After the gunman and store manager left to open the safe, this brave employee escaped through a side door to retrieve a handgun from his vehicle. He returned and demanded the robber drop his weapon, at which point the timid criminal took off on foot.



The American Maverick: OBAMA'S IDEOLOGY RUNS DEEP: Barack Obama's ideology certainly does not stop with him.  He's encircled with a powerful batch of far left politicos.  Many of whom have already delivered on their progressive marching orders during his first term as President of the United States.

Looking at the prize-- American By Birth

Not trying to re-hash any particular reason as to why Obama won the election..
But at the same time I want to reply to a op-ed piece Herman Cain wrote as to what exactly those who voted for Obama and his progressive ideas, received.
In that article, Cain asks if those voters run their finances without a budget, or at least some idea of how they are going to make ends met? He then answers  that he doubt’s they do.
Well Herman, I doubt they do to… have a budget that is.
And here’s why I say such.
First of all a is budget defined as a plan for saving, borrowing and spending.This requires some sort of reliable cash flow to make it work.