I’m looking at the dust up between Chris Christie and CPAC
and can’t help but remember the movie Witness for the Prosecution from 1957.
There was a speech by Marlene Dietrich’s character at the
end of the trial that was the true climax of the movie.
(spoiler alert)
Mrs. Vole:
Remember when I came to see you, you said that no jury would believe an
alibi given by a loving wife no matter shown she swore he was innocent. That gave me the idea.
Sir Wilfred: What
Mrs Vole: The
idea to not be a witness for my husband but for the prosecution. That I should swear Leonard was guilty and
would expose me as a vicious liar because only then would they believe Leonard
was innocent.
When I look at CPAC not inviting Chris Christie I see the
same dynamic.
withstanding Christie is smart enough to know that the left is not going to lay
off of him or paint him as anything other than a right-wing extremist. I
suspect he figures with the president winning the state by that wide a spread
and Obamacare being the signature achievement of this president (and I use the
word achievement VERY loosely)this move takes at least one target off of his
And when it
comes down to it, there is nothing CPAC could do better for his re-election
efforts than keeping him away.
By staying
away nothing he says there can be use to call him a “right-winger” in a +18
Obama state. It also precludes a nasty confrontation with conservatives that
could hurt him among a base where he can’t spare a single vote.
And Christie is playing it to the hilt.
“It’s not like I’m lacking for invitations to speak, both here or
around the country, it’s not like I have a whole lot of openings in my
schedule,” Christie said. He added, referencing the damage to his state wrought
by Superstorm Sandy, “I can’t sweat the small stuff. I got a state to rebuild.
I can’t sweat the small stuff.”
Every day this is in the news is a day of the MSM lionizing
Christie. That certainly can’t hurt
because he know the national media will be turning on him as soon as it fits
their purpose. Every day that moment is
delayed helps him.
BTW CPAC has invited Dr.
Ben Carson who gave that famous speech at the
National Prayer breakfast this year.
Somehow that hasn’t captured the attention of the MSM. I wonder why?
Incidentally the Original witness for the prosecution is
one of the best films you will see. Not
only is it a spectacular courtroom drama but the chemistry between Charles Laughton
& Elsa Lancasterreally makes the movie.
As they were Husband and wife it should not be much of a surprise.
Ironically the 58 year old Laughton was playing a lawyer
recovering from a Heart Attack defending the 43 year old Tyrone Power, who
would die of a heart attack within a year of the movie’s release.
Nobody is promised tomorrow. That’s why I’m such a big fan of the
Sacrament of Confession.
Sequestration is coming and it’s bringing back memories of
my youth to the days of Proposition 2 ½ in Massachusetts
After the measure was passed practically
EVERY teacher at the High School was given a pink slip directly after the
election. (One teacher generated a lot of laughs by asking the students “do you
want to see my pink slip?” and when they said “yes” raising her skirt just
enough to see her slip which was in fact pink). Today that would get you fired
but in my day we had a sense of humor.
But then after all the worry the teachers
were put through a strange thing happened:
The next
year the teachers were still there, the school was still there and everything
pretty much remained as it had been before. It put the lie to the hype.
The Sequestration argument is pretty much the same and the attacks
on Bob Woodward hasn’t made this business any
easier for the White
Bob Woodward said this evening on CNN that a "very
senior person" at the White House warned him in an email that he would
"regret doing this," the same day he has continued to slam President Barack
Obama over the looming forced cuts known as the sequester.
CNN host Wolf Blitzer said that the network
invited a White House official to debate
Woodward on-air, but the White House declined.

This has
gotten a lot of play but as American
Globand Breitbart’s
John Nolte put it the real story is the number of
people attacking Woodward
on the left.
If you
want to know who is a member of the current version of Journolist this it’s a handy guide.
BTW Nolte is right, Sequestration is going to be blamed by
this white house for every economic problem it has over the next two
years. It’s going to be their version of
Global warming.
The sad this is it has overshadowed the idiotic release of
illegal aliens in detention. It will not
make The White House’s case any
Department of Homeland Security has started releasing hundreds of illegal
immigrants held in local jails in anticipation of automatic budget cuts, in a
move one Arizona sheriff called politically motivated -- and dangerous.
County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Tuesday that Immigration and Customs Enforcement
released more than 500 detainees in his county alone over the weekend. A
spokesman for Babeu told FoxNews.com that ICE officials have said they plan to
release a total of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants.
It would be fun to see the White House suddenly decide to not enforce the gun laws under the same paradigm.
Doctor Who. Saw the special on the 2nd
Doctor this week. I thought it odd that
while they had Frazier Hines and Wendy Padbuty as guests on the special they
didn’t have Deborah Watling particularly since Tomb of the Cyberman was the first
episode that featured her as a companion.
I’m also
surprised they didn’t includePatrick Troughton’sson David Troughton who
is active in the series, but that might wait till the next special on the 3rd
Doctor where he appeared as King Peladon.
The special
was on at the same time as the Oscars which I totally ignored. White uninterested I do find it amusing that
so many people like Jane
Fonda are so angry at Seth MacFarline for acting
like….Seth MacFarline.
who has watched any episode of Family Guy or saw the movie Ted knew this was
coming (particularly the musical numbers, MacFarline LOVES musicals). The amount of racist, sexist and offensive
humor directed against people is considerable.
If anybody thoughtMacFarline was going to change for the Oscars, they
have a screw loose.
So I
guess they’ll have to find new hosts for next year. I hear Trey Parker and Matt Stone have the
day free…
Spring training has started, nobody picking the Red Sox
this year, but this is the time when hope springs eternal for Red Sox fans and
even for Cubs fans.
One thing that is also coming up is the World Baseball Classic that starts this Friday.
A lot of people tend to ignore it but I think it’s a great thing for the
game. Including the already completed
qualifying rounds teams from 28 nations (now paired down to 16) are competing
for the title.
Japan has won both WBC’s so far, andDaisuke Matsuzaka remains the only
player to win a World Series, WBC and Japan Series.
Japan has
a great chance to threepeat but I’d love to see a Netherlands vs Italy
final. That’s unlikely but I suspect the
odds are better of Italy vs Netherlands in March then a Red Sox vsCubs in
by the time you read this the Catholic Church will have no Pope. To my knowledge this is the only time in
history when the church and the people knew the exact day and hour when the
Chair of St. Peter will be empty.
I suspect
it won’t be the last.
Catch you
next week
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