NACBU (North American Conservative Bloggers United) stands with Conservative Blogger Larry Sinclair and Liberal Blogger Bill Schmalfeldt, as well as with Paul H. Lemmen, Ladd Ehlinger, Jerry Wilson and Peter Ingemi in their DEMAND that Ali Akbar and the National Bloggers Association and Vice & Victory Agency immediately publish the following:
The names of every National Bloggers Club Board member including the date each became associated with the NBC
A complete financial report showing the amounts of all monies paid to in contributions; services; or sponsorships made to NBC or BlogBash.
A complete financial reporting of all funds paid out by NBC or BlogBash including the names of those receiving said payments and the reasons for each.
A complete financial accounting of all funds paid out by NBC/Blogbash including an accounting of what the payments were for and if they were made for the personal benefit of Ali Akbar or any other member of the NBC Board.
A complete accounting of all contributions made to the Breitbart Scholarship Fund as well as an accounting of all disbursements of said funds as well as the name of the financial institution(s) where contributions are on deposit.
A statement as to Bill Murphy’s past and current connections with NBC and BlogBash; whether Murphy has been involved in any NBC/BlogBash activities and or promotions since becoming the official Social Media Director for the Romney/Ryan campaign.
The IRS 501(c)(3) documents confirming the below stated claim by NBC:
National Bloggers Club is a new 501(c)(3) founded by top new media operatives, bloggers and journalists as a loose association of bloggers who are for free enterprise and limited government and to advocate on bloggers behalf.
Follow @NACBU_bloggers