Jodie Gasson Saturday Rule 5
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Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Political Clown Parade: Bush Presidential Library Dedication
Political Clown Parade: Bush Presidential Library Dedication: A note from our attorneys: This is not a real quote. UNIVERSITY PARK—The journey starts simply enough. "The presidency is m...
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The American Maverick: SUNDAY @ 8PM EDT: ZACH MARTIN - CANDIDATE FOR VIRG...: Listen in to this week's episode of "The American Maverick Show" hosted by Flint Engleman. The syndicated news and politi...
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BILL O’REILLY’s ‘MyJihad’ – Slam the media and leftists for denying that Islamic Jihad (actually Islam but he’ll never say it) is a threat to the world
BILL O’REILLY’s ‘MyJihad’ – Slam the media and leftists for denying that Islamic Jihad (actually Islam but he’ll never say it) is a threat to the world
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Under the fedora: Boston, nudity and Tom Baker as the 4th doctor
The Debate is still going on about the “causes” of the
Boston attacks but at the UN there is someone who knows what’s
going on :
UN Human Rights Council “expert” Richard Falk has published
a statement saying Bostonians got what they deserved in last week’s terror
attack. He quotes W.H. Auden to make his point: "to whom evil is
done/do evil in return.”
Richard Falk is the UN’s “Special Rapporteur on the
situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967.”
He has held the post since 2008, despite exposure as a 9/11 conspiracy
Falk is a big believer in "human
rights", who called the Ayatollah Khomeini a liberator. He blames
Islamofacist terror on the fact that much of Islam "finds itself under the
heels of U.S. economic, military, cultural, and diplomatic power." (Well
at least that is cleared up). Falk is also a member of a lawyers organization
that the CIA once called a "front" for the Soviet Union and just like
Rosie O'Donnell is a member of groups who are still waiting for the
"real" story of 9/11.
Me I think if this is
all the US’s fault, and the Palestinians believe this, after all their special
rapporteur is saying this publicly, they certainly don’t want any of our dirty
money. In fact if the UN feels the same,
we should be duty bound to keep the cash so they aren’t contaminated by it.
It’s a big sacrifice but
we’ll do it for them.
We are still hearing
about the Poem for Dzhokhar from the once completely unknown Amander
Plummer. People are outraged over empathy for the bomber.
I’ve read the poem, I think the only connection to the bomber is
the title. I think this woman was
looking for attention and suckered a lot of people into giving it to her.
Welcome to the world of
Yesterday the AP was hacked and a fake headline stating a bombing took place at the White
House injuring the president was tweeted out.
This confirms a basic lesson that is the same anywhere. Your passwords are only as secure as the most
careless person who knows them.
The stock market briefly
tanked before this was caught. I’ve
never understood this, let’s say this was true, who calls there broker in a
panic saying: The White House has been bombed! Sell 10,000 shares of Gerber baby foods!
I wonder how much of
this is programmed.
carried out its first election since the U.S. military withdrawal without major
bloodshed on Saturday in a major test for Iraqi security forces as they face a
reviving al-Qaida insurgency.
Granted there has been a lot of stuff in the news this last week but I’d think the first election in Iraq without us going without a hitch is a big story.
If Iraq continues to
normalize it will continue to be a non-story, after all who wants to blame
George Bush for a successful state as opposed to a basket case like Egypt?
Bush is clearly the best
president of the 21st century, granted there are only two choices
unless you count Bill Clinton’s 19 lame duck days. I suspect as time passes he will be harder to
dislodge that people think.
In West Virginia a teen
has decided to fight over an NRA T-Shirt
Marcum has said that he was arrested on charges of
disrupting an educational process and obstructing an officer, though White said
Monday that the Logan County prosecutor's office is reviewing the case to
decide whether to proceed.
Marcum wore the same shirt to school Monday. It displays the
NRA logo and a hunting rifle.
Other students across Logan County wore similar shirts,
which display the NRA logo and a hunting rifle, to school in a show of support
for 14-year-old Jared Marcum, said his lawyer Ben White.
is exactly how you deal with this kind of thing. As a British Admiral named Blake once
said: “Cringing to these fellows will
never do.”
to the affidavit, from May 2012 through February 2013, Adam Paul Savader sent
anonymous text messages using Google Voice numbers to 15 women stating that he
had nude photographs of the women and threatening to distribute the nude
photographs to the women’s friends and family members unless the women sent him
more nude photographs of themselves. Savader sent some of the victims links to
a photo-sharing website where nude pictures of the victims had been posted.
This guy is a former intern to Paul Ryan, personally I
wouldn’t have thought people would have fallen for this but apparently this
stuff is more common than you think.
Stacy McCain put
it well:
is a lesson here about the perils of the digital age: Anything you put on the
Web — even uploaded to private accounts — can be accessed, if someone with
enough skills really wants to get to it bad enough. And naked pictures? Yeah,
don’t do those. Ever. Because that boyfriend you’re sending them to may not be
your boyfriend forever.
The second comes from Lowell and
involves a Buddhist Monk
The woman
shown having sex with a Buddhist monk in a video recently circulated in the
Cambodian community has filed a civil lawsuit against five individuals she
alleges illegally distributed the tape.
Taping of the voice and actions of a private person without
permission in Massachusetts and distributing them is illegal, which Maya Men
highlights in her suit.
Among those Men has sued following the release of the tape
of her sexually engaging with the Venerable NhemKimteng are another local monk
and a former member of the executive committee for the $10 million Lowell
temple project Men is helping lead.
Kimteng and Men were filmed in the Trairatanaram Temple in
North Chelmsford.
Why do I have the
feeling that if this involved a Catholic Priests instead of Buddhist monks it
would be a front page headline in the Globe and all over the MSM?
Some sports? Remember before the Baseball season began
everyone was picking the Redsox& Yankees to finish 4th& 5th
in the AL East? As of this morning The
Red Sox are in a 1st place tie & the Yankees are a whole ½ game
As they say, that’s why they
actually play the games.
I’m still not used to the Houston
Astros in the AL but I’m sure the 4 other teams in the AL West currently ahead
of them are happy to see them there.
This is THE best time of the year
for sports, Baseball, Hockey & Basketball all being played at once. One might make the point that Nov & Dec
you have three major sports played at once too but if one of them isn’t
Baseball it doesn’t count.
I’ve talked about the number of
Electoral votes Massachusetts has lost in my lifetime (5) if you want to get a
good idea where all those votes went, check the attendance figures when the Red
Sox come to town when they play in Red States.
People say: Don’t you wish New England folk would elect
more conservatives, I answer New England folk DO, we just do so in the states
they’ve moved to.
Watched High Noon Yesterday it
really holds up over time and the cast is simply out of this world. While Gary Cooper & Grace Kelly get top
billing to me the most interesting moments are the scenes between Lloyd Bridges
& Katy Jurado.
Until I looked it up I would have
never known that Juardo was only 28 at the time. She carries herself much older and you would
never guess Lloyd Bridges was a full 9 years older than her.
Movies are all about the art of
Shakespeare’s birthday was this week. It’s become fashionable to devalue his plays
but let’s face it, how many playwrights still have their plays performed
regularly 400+ years after their birth.
In fact I don’t think you can find a day in the last 50 years when a
play of Shakespeare was not performed in some theatre somewhere in the world.
That’s immortality!

Tom Baker’s complete with 12’-18’
scarf is THE definitive Doctor. He held
the role for 7 years got the show it’s best ratings and is regularly voted the
best Doctor ever by the fans (losing only a few time in the last 30 years).
37 years ago I accidently discovered
the show and him on Providence TV Channel 12 on a Saturday afternoon and have
been hooked ever since. In 1981 I got my
first credit card in college and used it to buy a VCR for $500, as much as a
semester of college at the time, and taped the show regularly off of public
TV. I still have the tapes and on
occasion my sons & I watch them together on a $20 VCR.
If you watch only one of the
specials, watch this one.
See you next week.
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Thanks to revised FBI training manuals demanded by CAIR, FBI investigation of Boston Marathon Muslim terrorists was sigificantly impeded
Thanks to revised FBI training manuals demanded by CAIR, FBI investigation of Boston Marathon Muslim terrorists was sigificantly impeded
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Monday, April 22, 2013
Breaking Obama: BREAKING NEWS: Obama Protecting Son of Osama Bin L...
Breaking Obama: BREAKING NEWS: Obama Protecting Son of Osama Bin L...: It is True! The Person of Interest last week is in fact one of Osama Bin Laden's Sons and Michelle Obama Visited Him while he was in a B...
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Political Clown Parade: David Sirota: In The Snakepit
Political Clown Parade: David Sirota: In The Snakepit: In January of this year, David Sirota announced via his Facebook account that, “After almost four years of working in radio, I no long...
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What else do most people not know about Chechen Muslims? And why the Boston Marathon terrorist bombings likely are only the beginning
What else do most people not know about Chechen Muslims? And why the Boston Marathon terrorist bombings likely are only the beginning
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Sunday, April 21, 2013
The American Maverick: SUNDAY @ 8PM EDT: PROJECT 21'S HORACE COOPER & NAT...
The American Maverick: SUNDAY @ 8PM EDT: PROJECT 21'S HORACE COOPER & NAT...: Listen in to this week's episode of "The American Maverick Show" hosted by Flint Engleman. The syndicated news and politics...
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The Powers That Beat: EXPERTS: Where There's A Tax, There's a Way to Che...
The Powers That Beat: EXPERTS: Where There's A Tax, There's a Way to Che...: EXPERTS: WHERE THERE’S A TAX, THERE’S A WAY TO CHEAT Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA) April 17, 1995 Section: PHILADELPHIA BUSI...
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Saturday, April 20, 2013
The new generation....
Ever stopped and wondered why our world is so messed up?
We went out for a short drive today to get lunch and run a
few errands. Started out by the dollar
store for munchies and stuff, and when I was waiting for someone to get out of
a spot to park, the kid (20-22 y/o) seemed to have a beef with me when he drove
by. He had lots of room and I didn’t beep the horn or anything, but gave me the
stink eye. I got out to see what his problem was, and I guess he didn’t expect a
guy my shape coming out of the wife’s little Hyundai, because he fled like the
little wannabe gangster he thinks he is.
So you give me the ‘’stare’’ and drive off??? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh tough guy, aren’t we?
So we decide to hit Burger King, but go the extra mile
because the one closer to us sucks ass. I mean really suck ass. It’s
dilapidated, the service is just……awful, and the cleanliness is not what you
would expect from say the clown-feed chain.
Here I must give
you fair warning, you may read the following and think: ‘’well, that’s
RAAAAAcist’’. It’s not. I’m just describing what is going on in one of America’s
biggest chains.
So we get to the restaurant and order our food. The cash
register kept on freezing up and it took several minutes to order. We waited
for our order and I watched the kids working the kitchen for a bit. They are
98% black. Out of 7 employees, only one white girl and one Hispanic girl (the
girl at the register). The black kids
are disorganized, they are dragging their feet, are loud and obnoxious, and
couldn’t be bothered to get the order out as fast as it should in a fast food
joint. They’re walking around, chatting and showing off their phones…..
When we finally get our food, we realize the PLAIN double
cheeseburger my wife ordered is dressed.
( Let me open a can of worms here: Why is it that it takes
LONGER to get a plain burger at the 2 leading chains of fast food??? It’s LESS
stuff, not more!!!!)
So off I go to the counter to tell the white girl, who is
not the one who put the food in the tray ‘’Hey, the plain cheeseburger we
ordered is dressed. She said we’re sorry and told the black girl working the
plate. The black girl shouts at me from the kitchen that I got what I ordered….
So I tell her no, and pull out my receipt. She then proceeds to rip it out of
my hands and shove it in the white girl’s face telling her she always gets
blamed for her mistakes, even if she
didn’t know who served us. I told the black girl to ease off, she’s not the
one, and the little bitch gave me the hand.
I let her have it. And her team lead, and the owner of the
franchise who came out of the office when he heard me telling the employees
off. I told the owner that if he was any
kind of a good owner, he would fire most of the staff he had on the floor that
day. He replied that I must be a racist, and that of course I would only keep
the whites, right?
I was livid. Not my fault the only employees there that day
that did their jobs were white.
So I’m the rAAAAAcist in this, am I??
So I begin to educate him on how playing the race card is
NOT gonna fly with me. I’m not gonna be accused of racism when I’m stating
facts, and said EMPLOYEES and not BLACK EMPLOYEES. To call me a racist when the
restaurant is half full is not going to be left alone either. And I went back
to the table, because frankly I was gonna punch him in the face and throw him
in the deep-fryer.
Then I got to look at the customers. 98% blacks. 3 families
of Caucasian people including us, and a few middle eastern families. Kids are
running in the restaurant, unsupervised and wild between the legs of people
coming with trays full of semi-hot food and beverages, screaming and being
wild. Not in the play room, in the damn restaurant. The 2 other kids, (white)
were sitting quietly and eating their food before going to the structure,
removing their shoes (the others didn’t even though there is a clear sign at
the door) and playing ‘’normally’’, while the others walked in and out of the
room with their food dripping ketchup and stuff all over the place. Not one….I
repeat, NOT ONE PARENT said a word. NONE!
Back when I was a young pup, my dad or mom would’ve grabbed
me by the arm, drag me back to the table with my feet barely touching the
ground, and sat me down with a warning of an incoming kick in the ass. Most
parents would have. My kids know never to act like brats in public, and not to
get fresh with me, or the wife. It was part of their upbringing.
Don’t think for a minute that I am blaming the kids. I am
not. Kids need guidance and discipline.
I blame the parents. And yes, I blame the BLACK PARENTS in
this case. If it was white folks doing the same thing, I would speak up as loud.
But today, it was NOT white people…
What happened to the world?? Where is the politeness and
respect that was forced on us way back when? Where is the courtesy when
On the drive home, people were cutting in line with no
signal, weaving in and out of lanes. It made me furious, because I used to
think it was only airheads doing that kind of stuff….today I realized that no,
it’s not only a few idiots, it’s the VAST MAJORITY of the generation coming up
I’m not some old crusty, bitter man….I’m 41!!
Why? What happened??
Did all of a sudden decency disappear? What caused this? Isn’t parenting your kids
the most important thing you can do with your life?? NO???
We were raised right…why aren’t we raising our kids right??
And then you get the father of the 2 Boston Bombers telling
the world that they were framed….say what??
How can they be framed when throwing EXPLOSIVES at police and shooting
at them?? SELF-DEFENSE???
I hate this world we’re in……..
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burger king,
new generation,
unruly kids
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