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Monday, August 13, 2012

Exciting!!! #RomneyRyan2012 #TCOT – Updated ( By Zilla Stevenson at )

It is taking a lot longer than usual to come back from the latest flare up of my illness, but seeing good news when I flipped on the TV, shortly after waking up, about Mitt Romney’s VP pick had me smiling for much of the day despite my medical issues.
Here are some of my initial thoughts on the news that Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan for his running mate, as I watched the live coverage of the announcement and then the Romney and Ryan speeches, I’m including some stuff from the A-C page, Tweets, and also a roundup of  links to awesome posts about #RomneyRyan2012 from other bloggers:
It is finally morning in America again, and as our long national nightmare draws to a close, a glorious new day is dawning.

Read more of Zilla's toughts HERE


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