Whitewashing the Heart of the Holocaust
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New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner confirmed the authenticity of new lewd, sexually charged online chats and photos that were posted by a nightlife website over the past day.
Nightlife site "The Dirty" posted images and conversations that allegedly came from Weiner to a 22-year-old woman under the pseudonym "Carlos Danger."
With his wife by his side, Anthony Weiner said Tuesday he's not dropping out of the New York City mayoral race despite new revelations that he sent additional lewd photos and text messages after he left Congress in disgrace for his prior online chats.I think this and his wife’s decision to not only stick with him but to do it in a very public way designed to have the maximum impact on the campaign says a lot of very interesting things.
“I’m going to come to the 2016 presidential primary here in NH. And I’m going to expose the fact that I can be voting the names of dead people AGAIN.“
Surrounded by throngs of young people I realized that this faith–ever ancient and ever young was suddenly alive to me and true to me as never before.The Mass the pope celebrates in Rio and the creed and prayers celebrated there are repeated in every house of every day . The faith remains new and old forever.
What other institution, what other political party, what other ideology, what other celebrity, what other religion can marshall such crowds and inspire such joy, freedom and power? No wonder the powers of this world hate and fear the pope. No wonder Catholicism is the one religion–despite all its human faults and frailties–that remains at once ancient and wise yet youthful and strong. Only the power of the Holy Spirit himself could pour out on the world this great surge of faith, love and hope.
The IRS scandal was connected this week not just to the Washington office—that had been established—but to the office of the chief counsel.As I watch the White House spin and the media duck this story I’m reminded of the Nixon white House as the train of Watergate chugged along slowly toward it’s finish. Even the impromptu press appearance of the president on Trayvon Martin was yet another repeat, an attempt to change the subject from anything but what is going on.
That is a bombshell—such a big one
Still, what landed was a bombshell. And Democrats know it. Which is why they are so desperate to make the investigation go away. They know, as Republicans do, that the chief counsel of the IRS is one of only two Obama political appointees in the entire agency.And of course Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson’s race baiting and the smallness of their crowds, that’s a repeat too.
We are forever being told by the left about how awful this country is for anyone who is not white. Blacks are being gunned down in the streets by non-blacks. Except they're not. Muslims are being discriminated against wholesale, and are afraid to leave their homes. Except they're not. Gun owners are violent crazies bent on mass murder, except they're not. Christians are trying to force their religion on us. Except they're not. Tea Party members are racists and violent. I believe the Breitbart reward for evidence of the accusations of tea party racism remains unclaimed, even in this day of cell phone cameras and video.The narrative is all and if you have to turn George Zimmerman into a “crazy ass cracker” then so be it. The Irony of course that George Zimmerman's while being as white as Barack Obama also has a black grandparent
You never know the answer to a question you never ask, and after this one story by Frances Robles in the Miami Herald, it seems that the media stopped asking questions about Trayvon. But that one article by Frances Robles pulled the thread that unraveled an important story, and for a long time, the only people who kept digging on that story were the bloggers at The Last Refuge. MDSPD Chief Charles Hurley was suppressing the truth about the crime problem within the Miami-Dade school system, and this was why Trayvon Martin never got arrested for his crimes. Instead, he got suspended from school,And that is why Trayvon Martin was hundreds of miles from home and on his path to George Zimmerman, and way Stacy McCain was mentioned twice in two days on the Rush Limbaugh Show.