written in the past about the ridiculous lengths moral relativists will
go in order to satiate the desires of the sexually confused. This
pandering runs the gamut of stupidity from a man allowed to undress in a
locker room filled with young girls to a judge ordering taxpayers to
fund a convicted murderer’s sex change operation.
That said, I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising when a story like the following surfaces. A
college in California is allowing a student who was born male – and stands 6’ 8” tall – to play on its women’s basketball team.
The Desert Storm veteran, father, and former standout on another college’s men’s team
underwent gender reassignment surgery just months before being allowed to join his current team.
it turns out, ignoring his gender at birth is not the only special
treatment the middle aged player is receiving. Since he is limited from
playing collegiate basketball more than two years under Community
College Athletic Association rules, his previous involvement in another
school’s program would ordinarily keep him off the court.
Since he is
now a “she,” according to a new birth certificate recently approved by a
judge, the CCAA agreed to give her two more years to play – this time
as a woman.
This is not the first time a transgendered individual has
been permitted to participate in athletic activities designed for
another sex, but each time such an incident makes headlines, those of us
with a traditional value system should take notice.
There are
obvious and incontrovertible differences between the two genders and the
left continues catering to those who deny and pervert those traits. A
series of surgeries – no matter how intrusive – does not erase the
genetic makeup God engraved into an individual.
B. Christopher Agee founded The Informed Conservative in 2011. Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily.