You may know this already, but I'm a patriot. A real one. I'm proud of my nation, I'm proud of my roots, and I'm proud of what I have become.
I stumbled upon this documentary today, and it reminded me (like I needed it) of who I am. I felt the pride of being a suburb kid again, a suburb kid who couldn't care less about what tomorrow brings. Living every day and night to the fullest.
I was an outcast. A misfit only associating with other misfits. So were these guys.
I was the guy with the waist-length pony tail. The pot smokin', acid dropping, popper sniffin' studded leather wearing guy. Yep. And even tho I changed paths in my adult life, I regret NOTHING.
But one thing that always stayed with me, is my love of rock music. I'm a conservative, but damn, there's nothing like rocking out to a good rock band.
Like these guys, I was always marginalized by the way I looked, by the way I said things.
With commentary by:
Kirk Hammet (Metallica)
Danny Carey (Tool)
Billy Corgan ( The Smashing Pumpkins)
Sebastian Bach (Skidrow)
Gene Simmons (Kiss)
The most UNDERRATED band in the history of rock and old roll,
Saturday Noon EST. Sydicated on the Money Matters Radio Network
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