We are less than two weeks away from election day and as things edge closer the media is slowly but surely being forced to acknowledge reality
Item: The latest NBC/WSJ poll shows the election dead even even with a sample that is +6 Dem in registration and +8 Obama based on 2008 voting.
Item: The latest CBS poll out of Ohio shows Obama up 5 in a sample that is only 27% Democrat. This same poll had Obama up 10 the last time around.
Item: Paul Ryan held a rally this weekend in Pennsylvania and the Romney campaign is planning additional stops in the state that has been described as Fools gold for the right in the past.
All of these are signs the MSM can’t ignore forcing them ever closer to the reality that this election is not only over but HAS been over for a while.
Of course fantasy has not completely be abandoned, after all we had Morning Joe pushing a poll showing Obama up 5 with a sample D+9 as significant, but then again even that nonsense has a moment that was significant
Closing note. In the studio on Morning Joe, Joe & Mika and the Panel are all hanging their hats on the Time Magazine poll, but Chuck Todd in Ohio hedged. Joe & Mika are opinion folk, they can afford to take a side, but Chuck Todd is the chief WH guy, he can’t look a foolThe Closer the day comes the more sane the press needs to present themselves.
Speaking of Morning Joe and Sanity this week Joe Scarborough wrote a piece on the tea party that caught me by surprise.
Let’s simply review how terrible the tea party has been for the GOP.
— They energized a conservative movement battered by eight years of bloated Republicanism,
— they shocked the political world by taking Ted Kennedy’s seat,
— they put Obama Democrats in a constant defensive crouch,
— they led the resistance against “Obamacare,”
— they helped bring about the largest legislative landslide in U.S. history in 2010,
— they grabbed six seats in the U.S. Senate that year,
— they helped elect six governors,
— they helped win 700 seats in state legislatures, and
— they helped elect a Republican majority that included the largest number of Republicans elected since 1946.
With a track record like that, the Republican Party had better watch their backs. If this trend keeps up, they might just win the White House and the Senate.
What really stuck me about this piece is it acknowledges things bloggers like myself have been saying for a very long time. It could have been written by Breitbart, or Sarah Palin. That it is coming from the host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe and running in Politico tells you all you need to know about the reality of the Tea Party.
Funny you don’t hear similar stories about the Occupy Movement these days, in fact the MSM which used to love the occupods now have very little to say these days.
But they were in the news recently as they managed to cancel a Halloween tradition at a church that had gone on for years.
A historic Manhattan church has canceled its annual Halloween celebration due to an ongoing standoff with remnants of the Occupy Wall Street movement.That’s why you will not hear a word about the occupods till after the election, familiarity has bred contempt and people have not forgotten which side was with the occupods and which side was not.
The San Francisco Giants and Cardinals series was one of the most exciting that I’ve seen in a long time. The idea that the giants have faced six consecutive elimination games & won them all in this postseason is simply incredible. This has been the best Baseball post season I’ve seen since 2004 and without a doubt one of the greatest in the history of the majors.
Thanks to the Scott Brown / Elizabeth Warren Race and localized advertising across cable networks directed to the NH Market there has been an unending wave of commercials on television that I can’t miss even if I wanted to. If I can’t miss these ads here I can’t imagine what is happening in a state like Ohio.
It seems every other commercial concerning abortion, it’s abortion this contraception that nonstop. If in 2012 all the left has to talk about is abortion they are in real trouble, particularly since the number on abortion have been going against them steady for years, but hey, that’s what happens when you kill off your voting block for a generation or two.
What’s been really interesting in on my road trip through CT & NY that is taking place as we speak, the same card are being played against everyone, from Nan Hayworth to Andrew Roraback.
Is it just me or it is just a little bit sexist to insist women vote based on their sexual organs, the GOP used to “wave the bloody flag” …you know I think I’ll just leave that one there.
While all those kids being born might have cost the right a race or two, I’d just as soon lose a race or two and have all those kids live and grow up no election victory is worth the millions of lives the Roe effect has cost)
The late Eric Hobsbawm would disagree with me. The noted historian and unapologetic supporter of Communism and Stalinism said in interviews that millions killed would be worth it to advance the communist cause.
That this man was feted as a giant of thought rather than spurned as a monster no better than Himmler says a lot about the intellectual left. You can deliberately kill millions in the name of communism and they won’t bat an eye.
What is disgraceful about the life of Hobsbawm is not so much that he believed this poisonous codswallop, and propagated it in his lousy books, but that such a huge swathe of our country’s intelligentsia - the supposedly respectable media and chattering classes - bowed down before him and made him their guru. Made him our ‘greatest historian’.The Same issue has come up in Syria, Robert Fisk of all people pointed out the contradiction claiming that when the west and the jews “slaughter” arabs people object but now that it’s arabs killing arabs nobody blinks an eye.
The truth is that, far from being a great historian who sometimes made mistakes, Hobsbawm deliberately falsified history.
Of course his own attacks on Israel are nonsense but I’ll give him 10 out of 10 for consistency this time.
I haven’t said a lot about my trip considering the titlebut there have been a couple of cool intervews with voters
And party people.
Oddest thing I saw so far? This message on a railroad bridge in CT.
Strangely enough this predates the Debates by many years. No idea why it is there.
Oh and watch out for Andrew Roraback, he might surprise you.
See you next week.
Largest Pallet recyclers.
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